Aging In Place: New Technologies Abound!

3 New Offerings In Development at University of South Carolina

SMART HOME ™ will enable older adults to use a “smart cup’ to monitor their fluid intake, a smart fridge to detect food spoilage, home designs that will help builders to design elder-friendly homes with built-in systems to promote independence.

SMART WHEELS (tm) is a team that is developing state-of-the-art  drive simulation centers to evaluate rehabiliate older drivers. Experts will work with auto manufacturers to create safer vehicles for older adults. A key objective is to develop an interdisciplinary adult driver facility for training, assessment, rehabilitation.



SMART BRAIN ™ will promote brain health while preventing cognitive decline brain disease, including Alzheimer’s stroke. Prevention,, rehabiliitation, research will promote  maintain brains that remain healthy as older adults age. Smart BRAIN brings together experts in nutrition, exercise, geriatrics, neurophychology, neurology to provide assessments of nutrition, exercise, medications, health status, focusing on the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.