Tag Archives: physical requirements

So, you think you’re a hoarder?

by Virginia Maddan, guest blogger A common conversation my new clients initiate when I arrive at our first appointment unfolds as follows: New client: “I just want to warn you that my place is a total mess.” Me: “That’s ok! That’s what I’m here for. I’m sure it’s not that bad, but don’t worry about […]

Aging In Place: Not a Fad!

Just in case you thought this Aging In Place thing was a ‘fad’ …. thought I would again share with you the Definition of AIP as well as the stats facts about how contractors builders are being encouraged to change by the NAHB to build according to Universal Design principles. Following info is from the […]

Aging In Place: Half Moon Bay Senior Coastsiders

The party started EARLY. These folks don’t want to be late for the annual Senior Coastsiders Dinner!  Our Dates for the evening made sure we’d be picking them up 1/2 hour before the start of the party, even though they lived only 8 blocks away! The Senior Coastsiders of Half Moon Bay are a special […]

Aging In Place: Successful Aging Excerpt from "Seeking Alpha" Stock Market Analysis Website

Following is some very interesting research data from both the NAHB (National Association of Homebuilders) NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry) reported by both Seeking Alpha then picked up by Dar + Company as research information for their energy investments. This is a serious market to watch! “The National Association of Homebuilders has created a […]

Aging In Place: New Technologies Abound!

3 New Offerings In Development at University of South Carolina SMART HOME ™ will enable older adults to use a “smart cup’ to monitor their fluid intake, a smart fridge to detect food spoilage, home designs that will help builders to design elder-friendly homes with built-in systems to promote independence. SMART WHEELS (tm) is a team that […]

Aging At Home: Step Two

When it’s time to do a little more planning, we have done the simple adaptations to make our homes immediately safer for everyone to live in, then we can set some priorities for what comes next. It’s great to have nice, wide, walkways between rooms, within rooms. We can do that by rearranging furniture to open […]