Aging In Place: Not a Fad!

Just in case you thought this Aging In Place thing was a ‘fad’ …. thought I would again share with you the Definition of AIP as well as the stats facts about how contractors builders are being encouraged to change by the NAHB to build according to Universal Design principles. Following info is from the NAHB Website :

How big is Aging in Place?

  • 89% of people 50+ wish to remain in their own homes indefinitely (AARP).
  • 75% of remodelers have seen an increase in requests for aging in place work (NAHB).
  • 60% of remodelers already perform aging in place work (NAHB).
  • Over half of all 55+ households rate their current home a 9 or 10 out of 10 (American Housing Survey).
  • The aging population is the number two issue to affect the remodeling industry over the next five years, only behind the availability of skilled labor (NAHB).

 What is NAHB doing to help the aging population?

NAHB, in partnership with AARP the NAHB Research Center, developed the Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) program – the leading national educational designation designed to teach professionals how to modify homes for aging in place. Since 2002 more than 2,200 have completed CAPS, making it one of the fastest-growing education programs at NAHB. NAHB remodelers provides more information for consumers online at:

 What should my home contain if I want to age in place?

  • A master bedroom bath on the first floor.
  • A low or no-threshold entrance to the home with an overhang.
  • Lever-style door hles.
  • No change in levels on the main floor.
  • Bright lighting in all areas, especially places like stairways.
  • A low-maintenance exterior.
  • Non-slip flooring at the main entryway.
  • An open floor plan, especially in the kitchen/dining area.
  • Hrails at all steps.

What are some techniques CAPS-trained professionals use?

  • Lighting from multiple directions – reduces glare shadows.
  • Light sockets with more than one bulb – redundancy in case one bulb burns out.
  • Stacking closets for a future elevator shaft.
  • Contrasting colors for depth perception – use a different color counter (or edging around the counter) than the floor, staining the edge of the stairs a darker color than the rest of the steps.
  • Convenience shelf at an entry way to place your grocery bag while getting your keys.

HB Building Design specializes in Design/Build for people planning to Age In Place. Give us a call if you have any questions about what to do how to proceed. 650-728-5878