Tag Archives: kitchen remodel

Aging In Place: Transgenerational Lifespan Living + Design

This has been on my mind a great deal lately. When I talk to people say something about “Aging In Place,” if they never heard the expression before, you can almost see them going through a physical change as they begin to underst the idea. At the same time, it can also bring out other […]

Aging In Place Step 5: Get The Height Right

In many cases, we are living in homes that were built by contractors for resale. Not many of us have had the luxury to design in all the features we’d like in our homes, features that will suit us as we live our lifespan. Some modifications can help, but also there are purchase decisions for appliances to […]

Aging In Place Step 4: Managing Storage Access

How do you begin making your home ‘Senior-Friendly?’ These tips will get your started with some simple inexpensive things you can do to your storage areas kitchen to prepare for your future.

Aging In Place Step 3: Maintenance, Cleanliness, Safety

Maintenence is one the the most important tasks you should do on a schedule – why not make it out in advance of when certain inspections or tasks should be scheduled. Things like range hood filters should be taken down cleaned annually. Buy  replace your existing batteries in the smoke alarms. Make your bathroom kitchen maintenance-friendly easy […]

Aging In Place: 10 Things About Aging

Most people would choose to stay in their home as long as possible, even if it means having care giving services. But, in order to really make the most of your later years, it helps if you prepare the home for the future.

Financing Your Remodel? Head to City Hall!

We were so suprised when we got the call. A family in South San Francisco wanted us to design install a new bathroom, then told us their budget. We met, showed them a few of our Bath Pack designs, they chose one, selected finish colors, off we went.  We sent the estimate the next day, they […]

Aging In Place: Not a Fad!

Just in case you thought this Aging In Place thing was a ‘fad’ …. thought I would again share with you the Definition of AIP as well as the stats facts about how contractors builders are being encouraged to change by the NAHB to build according to Universal Design principles. Following info is from the […]

Contractor’s Corner: Our License Is for You!

We know a client is knowledgeable when the first question they ask is, are you licensed? Sometimes, when we do design work, or meet with people to offer a bid, a prospective construction client will ask, does it matter if I use a licensed contractor? Why? What if I know someone who has always done […]

Aging In Place: Successful Aging Excerpt from "Seeking Alpha" Stock Market Analysis Website

Following is some very interesting research data from both the NAHB (National Association of Homebuilders) NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry) reported by both Seeking Alpha then picked up by Dar + Company as research information for their energy investments. This is a serious market to watch! “The National Association of Homebuilders has created a […]

Aging In Place – That Kitchen Needs a Remodel

Your Kitchen One of the most innovative areas when it comes to aging-in-place home remodeling is the kitchen. A traditional kitchen can present quite a few obstacles from an aging stpoint: low ovens, slippery floors, high countertops, hard to reach cabinet space, just to name a few. A kitchen remodel that takes aging-in-place into account […]