Aging In Place: 10 Things About Aging

On the Coastside, we pride ourselves on being self-reliant, but the climate can play havoc with our homes surroundings, so it is important to take control of our own domains. Decks need to be checked, gutters cleaned. Things like cracks in the sidewalks or an uneven set of entry stairs may prevent us from being completely independent as we start to lose youthful mobility.

Aging brings with it some new challenges for the Boomer generation. Understing aging-in-place concepts is really important to this independent, adventurous, socially active generation. As we age, things do change, it’s important to make some decisions in advance, so your wishes can be carried through.

The reading glasses, the increased visits to the dentist, the additional medications, the switch from racquetball to golf — these are all indicators that our bodies are changing with age. To adapt to this aging, one thing we need to consider is the type of care we wish to receive — the setting in which we get that care — should something happen to us.Most people would choose to stay in their home as long as possible, even if it means having care giving services. But, in order to really make the most of your later years, it helps if you prepare the home for the future.

10 Things about Aging

1. Make an accessible entry into your home. If there’s a stairway, add hrails on both sides, make certain the stairs are tiled with slip-proof tile, coated with non-slip material. Have a visible color at the edge of the step.

2. If possible, set up your master bedroom on the main floor with access to your kitchen a master bath.

3. Make your bathroom kitchen maintenance-friendly easy to clean. Remove or replace old, out-of-date or broken appliances.

4. Modify storage areas, swapping out base cabinets for base drawers. Lower the shelving the clothes-hanging bars in closets.

5. Raise or lower appliances for easier access. Most have adjustable feet, or can be purchased with an extender.

6. Get an easy-to-clean toilet that’s at a comfortable height. One of the “skirted” types are best.

7. Add sturdy hrails — or reinforce those you already have — in hallways around the outside of the home.

8. Consider all aspects of safety for the bathroom – tub, toilet shower access — as well as slippery spots, areas for potential grab bar placement.

9. Use GPS devices, Skype other forms of technology to improve your quality of life. Get one of your grkids to help!

10. Maintain your vitality, health wellness by getting out regularly, volunteering, socializing with others through a book club or hobby, keeping your medical dental appointments

Look forward to more on each of these 10 Things in the weeks to come. They are each an integral part of your plans for futue living.