Clean + Green: New EPA Renovation + Repair Law

Beginning this month, a new certification is required for all remodelers, general contractors hy men that work on homes constructed prior to 1978, the year lead in paint was banned in the U.S.  This certification is required by anyone doing work on the home, including window installation companies, flooring installers (carpeting too!), just about anyone you hire to do work on the home.

The purpose is to protect people from lead poisoning, , most importantly, to not allow children expectant mothers to breath in unhealthy, lead filled dust from the job.

EPA Requirements

Common renovation activities like sing, cutting, demolition can create hazardous lead dust chips by disturbing lead-based paint, which can be harmful to adults children.

To protect against this risk, on April 22, 2008, EPA issued a rule requiring the use of lead-safe practices other actions aimed at preventing lead poisoning. Under the rule, beginning in April 2010, contractors performing renovation, repair painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, schools built before 1978 must be certified must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination.

Until that time, EPA recommends that anyone performing renovation, repair, painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes, child care facilities schools follow lead-safe work practices.

  • All contractors should follow these three simple procedures:
  • Contain the work area.
  • Minimize dust.
  • Clean up thoroughly.

Homeowners will now receive a “Renovate Rights” pamphlet on commencement of the work. The abatement procedures are stard dust mitigation, cleanliness, building a containment barrier with plastic sheeting around the doorways into any room being worked on, posting warning signs.  A homeowner may choose to “Opt Out’ of the abatement if they live in the home, there are no children under 6 years old or pregnant women on the premises.

HBI is set up for training  certification on April 21. We encourage you to only use contractors that display the lead safe certification icon on their web sites other materials after April 22, 2010.  In the mean time, stay safe have your remodeling done by HB Building + Design, the team than keeps your safety top of mind, will stay with you until your job is complete!