Clean + Green: Earth Hour

As a business, HB Building + Design is committed to being socially responsible in every way, from our recommendations for products, to our office systems.  We encourage use of repurposed or environmentally friendly products to every client, for every job we do. Today we request that you, our clients, followers fans, sign up for Earth Hour…just click right here!

We reuse recycle everything we can in the office, on the job site, we are especially careful with our waste materials, dispose of old, used materials according to the guidelines for a wide variety of waste products: fluorescent bulbs, old treated or painted wood, glass, metal, etc. Everything is sorted brought to the dump or recycle facility.

In our office, we email do as much work on line as possible. In April, we will be switching providers for our payroll outsourcing, primarily in order to be able to access input information on line, doing away with pounds of paperwork we receive from our current provider.  We recycle all our office waste, including ink cartridges, use recycled paper for printing non-essential drafts, etc., offer recyled products, WaterSense certified plumbing, maintain our Green Remodeling certification for our builders. 

This week, we are putting out a request for all our clients to participate in the 1-hour lights out Earth Hour initiative. On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people around the world will come together to call for action on climate change by doing something quite simple — turning off their lights for one hour. The movement symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in this fight, protecting our future that of future generations.

Click the link below to indicate your commitment to our Earth, sign up to make a st for our future! 

Click Me Up!